Test results on water samples taken from Raglan Harbour show the water quality has returned to safe marine recreational levels meaning that it is safe for swimming.
Waikato District Council continues to advise the public not to swim, fish or collect seafood within the Raglan Harbour until further notice following the sewerage overflow last Friday evening.
Water restrictions have been lifted across Hamilton City, Waikato District and Waipa District.
Be one of the first to use the new tablets at Raglan Library. The tablets, which will be available from 4 April, have been loaded with selected apps including TED talks, Khan Academy and the New Zealand Herald.
In association with the Pokeno Community Group, Waikato District has agreed to establish a new Pokeno Community Committee to represent Pokeno and to enhance liaison between the Council and the community.
A mural created by Onewhero Area School students will be displayed in the Tuakau Library entrance, as part of an initiative to tell the Waikato story and the history of the area.
ANZAC commemorations in Ngaruawahia and Raglan next month will be bolstered with funding from the Waikato District Council.
The Onewhero-Tuakau Community Board has voted to allocate $5,000 discretionary funding to the Port Waikato Residents and Ratepayers Association to help with the purchase and installation of digital security cameras to replace and upgrade the current analogue cameras that have been operating in the area to deter crime.
Truck drivers travelling through Huntly last week had the chance to up skill on key road safety issues while enjoying coffee and snacks at a road safety education stop.
Waikato District community groups and volunteer organisations have until the end of next week [Note: Friday 18 March] to apply for funding from the Waikato District Community Wellbeing Trust for projects that support the Waikato District Council’s community outcomes and goals.
A study has found that Port Waikato, Raglan Harbour and Aotea Harbour is at a low-risk of inundation for a tsunami, but waves could cause strong surges and currents.
The new Food Act, which came into effect earlier this month, takes a new approach to managing food safety.
Waikato District Council has received a grant from the Waikato Regional Council to assist with planting around Huntly’s Lake Puketirini.
An open day to get public input on the proposed rehabilitation of Huntly’s War Memorial Hall site has been scheduled for April 2 between 10am and 2pm at the Huntly Bowling Club.
Waikato District Council can confirm a monthly recycling collection will be trailed in Glen Murray starting early next month.
Ports of Auckland’s decision to build a major freight hub in the Waikato proves the district’s growing status as an “economic power-house” says Waikato district mayor Allan Sanson.
Who knew Raglan’s connection to surfing would continue with its latest asset - two wastewater storage tanks.
Since the closure of the EnviroWaste recycling service at Pukekohe, Council has spent several weeks looking for alternative short term solutions for North Waikato residents.
Be one of the first to use the new tablets available at the Te Kauwhata Library and Council Office.
Waikato District Council understands north Waikato residents’ concern and uncertainty about recycling options following Envirowaste Services’ decision to stop collection of recyclables at its Pukekohe Transfer Station.
Both the current and proposed alternate Kyle Lockwood-designed silver fern flags are flying outside Waikato District Council’s Ngaruawahia office.
‘Stop a mate driving drunk- Legend’ is the slogan behind Waikato District Council’s upcoming drink drive campaign.
Some dog owners in the Waikato district may be able to take advantage of reduced registration fees if they book their free property inspection before the end of January 2016.
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