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Ngaa Taaonga Tuku Iho

Turangawaewae Ngaruawahia

Waikato’s heritage is rich and varied, based on a range of historic themes that tell us about the past and the present. Heritage is valued because it contributes to our sense of belonging to a distinct locality. The community has expressed an interest in safe-guarding its natural and cultural heritage and wishes to preserve our heritage for future generations.

The heritage strategy will set goals and actions needed to meet the aspirations of the district’s communities. It captures a district-wide approach and will help to build upon the history and stories of the Waikato. Most importantly, it seeks your involvement as well as input from all who have an interest in our history and heritage.

It is our desire to work with the community to share the district’s heritage so that we may all recognise it and preserve it for future generations.

We want to have destinations that people will want to visit to know and enjoy our culture and heritage.

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